Convicted Sex Offenders in Huntington Beach Arrested for Parole Violations

Police in Huntington Beach arrested four convicted sex offenders on charges of violating their parole. The Orange County Register reports that law enforcement officials conducted a sweep of Southern California registered sex offenders in the city and checked up on 16 others who are on active parole. Four were arrested after they were found to have violated conditions of their parole, officials said. There are currently 178 sex offenders in the city of Huntington Beach of whom 95 are listed on the Megan’s Law website. The sweep was conducted by a task force comprising local, county and state law enforcement officials.

When you are convicted of a sex crime in Orange County or anywhere in California, the consequences are usually long-term. Not only does the defendant face jail or prison time and hefty fines, but he or she is also required to register as a sex offender – even after serving time. Convicted sex offenders are required to register with local law enforcement agencies. Their information, including home address and photo, could be posted on the Megan’s Law website for the public to see. In addition, a number of cities in Orange County are adopting ordinances banning convicted sex offenders from entering city parks without prior police permission.

These consequences are the reason why it is imperative for anyone who has been charged with a sex crime to seek the counsel of an experienced Huntington Beach sex crime defense lawyer. The reputed Orange County criminal defense lawyers of Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. know and understand the high stakes in any sex crime case. We will put our decades of experience as former prosecutors and investigators to work for you in order to obtain the best possible outcome in your case. Call us today at 866-430-8383 to schedule a free consultation and get the help you need.

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