
Singer Bobby Brown Charged with DUI in Los Angeles

Singer Bobby Brown faces multiple charges after a traffic stop led to a DUI (driving under the influence) arrest. According to an MSNBC news report, Brown was arrested in Los Angeles. Officials pulled Brown over for talking on a cell phone while driving when they began to suspect he had been drinking. According to the report, Brown failed a CA field sobriety test and was booked at the Van Nuys jail. He has a prior drunk driving conviction on his record and he now faces three misdemeanors for the incident that could result in up to a year in jail.

A number of questions arise whenever a DUI arrest results from a CA field sobriety test. How many tests were given? Was the arresting officer qualified to perform the tests? Were the tests given on a flat and even surface? Was the driver suffering from any medical conditions that may have affected the test? Was he properly notified of his rights? Was a breath test performed at the site? When was the last time the Breathalyzer was calibrated?

There are ample opportunities for mistakes to be made during a DUI traffic stop. It is important that the rights of the driver are not violated and that wrongful charges do not result in a conviction. In addition, the penalties for repeat DUI drivers can be severe. Therefore, it is crucial for drivers to seek the guidance of a skilled DUI defense attorney before discussing the details of the incident with the authorities.

The experienced Los Angeles DUI defense lawyers at Sitkoff & Hanrahan help their clients fight these charges and stay out of jail. If you or a loved one has been charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, please contact us at (866) 430-8383 for a no-cost consultation.

Posted in: DUI
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